Civil 20 (C20) is one of the official Engagement Groups of the Group of 20 (G20). It provides a platform for Civil Society Organizations (CSO) around the world to voice the people’s aspirations with the world’s leaders in G20.

The C20 Indonesia is structured in seven Working Groups (WG). One of them is the Education, Digitalization, and Civic Space Working Group (EDC WG). The Sub-WG Civic Space is planning to address three priority issues: Protect and Expand Civic Space; Put an End to Attacks, Criminalization, Stigmatization of Civil Society Actors; and Build and Strengthen Partnerships with Civil Society Actors in Public Policy Development and Decision Making.

The Civic Space Sub-WG invites all interested national and international civil society actors to participate in Sub-Working Group.


The G20 Must Stand To Protect And Expand Civic Space

  C20 Sub-Working Group on Civic Space has conducted global and national consultations involving multi-sector stakeholders such as academics, activists, and policymakers on a national and international scale. Recommendations and feedback gathered during consultations are used to support priority issues of the policy brief. After going through a process, the C20 Sub-Working Group on Civic…

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Meaningful Participation: Challenges and Opportunities in Expanding Civic Space

Meaningful Participation: Challenges and Opportunities in Expanding Civic SpaceOn June 7th, 2022, the C20 Civic Space Sub-Working Group organized a public webinar entitled “Meaningful Participation Challenges and Opportunities in Expanding Civic Space” as a response to the global phenomenon of shrinking civic space. The discussion was opened by Ah Maftuchan, the C20 2022 Indonesia Sherpa,…

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No Quality Growth Without Civic Freedom: Urging The G20 Leaders To Act on Civic Space In Order to Accelerate Innovation and Economic Progress

The G20 Summit is reaching its peak on 15-16 November 2022, raising the discourse over the claims by the Indonesian government’s success in holding the presidency this year, with many postulations raised on the feasibility of failure to produce a communique. The communique itself is considered as a document that represents world’s largest economies leaders’…

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Puncak Acara Civil 20: Sub-Pokja Civic Space Mendesak Para Pemimpin G20 Untuk Tidak Melupakan Pembahasan Penyusutan Ruang Sipil Global

Sub-Kelompok Kerja (Sub-Pokja) Civic Space mendesak para pemimpin negara G20 untuk melindungi dan memperluas ruang gerak masyarakat sipil, dalam Puncak Forum C20 (Civil 20) pada 5-7 Oktober 2022, di Nusa Dua, Bali. Inisiatif itu perlu dirintis dengan memastikan bahwa isu ruang gerak masyarakat sipil turut dibahas serius dalam forum G20 ke depan. Sebelumnya, Sub-Pokja Civic…

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Resiliensi “Civic Space” dan Pengalaman Masyarakat Sipil Bali

Sub-Pokja C20 untuk Ruang Gerak Masyarakat Sipil atau C20 Civic Space Sub-Working Group menyelenggarakan “Lokakarya Resiliensi Jaringan Masyarakat Sipil untuk Civic Space: Pengalaman Bali” pada 3-4 Oktober 2022 di Sanur, Bali. Kegiatan ini melibatkan 19 peserta dari berbagai organisasi masyarakat sipil (OMS) dan universitas di Bali untuk berbagi pengalaman mengenai pelindungan dan perluasan ruang gerak…

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Policy Brief

Stop Upaya Melumpuhkan Mahkamah Konstitusi

Siaran Pers Pusat Studi Hukum dan Kebijakan Indonesia (PSHK) DPR dan Presiden kembali berupaya melumpuhkan Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) dengan menyetujui Rancangan Undang-Undang tentang Perubahan Keempat Undang-Undang Mahkamah Konstitusi (Perubahan Keempat UU MK) dalam Pembicaraan Tingkat I pada Senin, 13 Mei 2024. Pembahasan selanjutnya akan masuk ke Pembicaraan Tingkat II di rapat paripurna. Perubahan Keempat UU…

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Reformasi Kerangka Hukum untuk Pelindungan dan Peluasan Ruang Gerak Masyarakat Sipil (Civic Space) Indonesia

Iklim demokrasi Indonesia dihadapkan pada kondisi yang stagnan akibat kualitas pemenuhan hak-hak kebebasan sipil dan politik tidak mengalami perubahan yang berarti. Indeks demokrasi Freedom House menunjukkan bahwa iklim demokrasi Indonesia berada pada posisi “partly free” atau bebas sebagian. Artinya, kemunduran institusi demokrasi, represi kebebasan sipil, dan penyempitan ruang partisipasi public dalam penyusunan kebijakan negara masih…

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All Sub-WG Civic Space documents will be uploaded here.

  • General information and news on the The Civil 20 is available on the official C20 website.
  • Reports, publications and further material on previous C20 can be accessed via this link.


C20 Communiqué 2021 C20 Communiqué 2020


Members of Sub-Working Group on Civic Space

PSHK (Chair)





Penabulu Foundation

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Civicus (Member)
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Amnesty International Indonesia

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Global Citizen


