Baseline Survey

Latar belakang Baseline Survey adalah melakukan benchmarking atau standarisasi kualitas pelayanan di pengadilan Indonesia. Setelah disahkannya SK KMA 026 Tahun 2012 tentang Standar Pelayanan Peradilan, kebutuhan untuk mengetahui standar itu telah terpenuhi atau belum menjadi semakin krusial.

Alternatif Pengelolaan Perkara Pelanggaran Lalu Lintas di Pengadilan

Bisa dibayangkan, jika sekitar 3 juta orang pelanggar tersebut harus menempuh sidang tilang setiap tahunnya menemui pengalaman buruk di Pengadilan, setidaknya terdapat 3 juta persepsi negatif yang berkembang di masyarakat mengenai Pengadilan. Harus diakui bahwa persepsi tentang pengadilan yang ditemui pada sidang perkara tilang bisa dengan mudah menyebar ke kelompok masyarakat yang lebih luas.

LRWD Edition 36 : December 2014

Law Policy Foreign Vessel Sinking Regulation   On Friday, December 5, 2014, Indonesian Navy sank down three foreign vessels in Anambas Waters, Riau. Commander of the Western Regions RI Fleet Admiral, Widodo, said that the three foreign vessels could not provide necessary documents and were caught fishing in Indonesian territory on November 2, 2014. All…

LRWD Edition 35 : December 2014

House of Regional Representatives DPD’s Initiative to Propose Bill of Persons with Disabilities   On 18 November 2014, the House of Regional Representatives (Dewan Perwakilan Daerah/DPD) held a focus group discussion entitled “Urgency of National Lawmaking about People with Disabilities”. During the FGD, the DPD presented their research report about the urgency of People with…

LRWD Edition 34 : November 2014

Legal Policy Law Enforcement and Human Rights Challenges for the New Attorney General   It has been more than two weeks since the inauguration of Joko Widodo-Jusuf Kalla’s working cabinet. Even so, the appointment of an Attorney General seems to still be a long way away. According to the Coordinating Minister for Politics, Law, and…

LRWD Edition 33 : November 2014

Supreme Court Inauguration of Four New Supreme Court Justices   On 21 October 2014, Chief Justice, Hatta Ali, inducted and swore in four new Supreme Court Judges. The four new Supreme Court jusitces area Amran Suadi (Vice Chairman of the Religious High Court of Surabaya), Sudrajat Dimyati (Vice Chairman of the High Court of Pontianak),…